With decades of experience with
our finest institutions, I can help you meet your goals. Here are some examples:
1. Custom English Coaching
ご連絡: サービスの詳細やミーティング(オンライン/対面)のお申込みは、
[email protected] までご連絡ください。日本語・英語どちらでも対応可能です。
One goal is to ask questions that cause your partner to change. Not from being corrected or disagreed with, but from coming to terms with internal tensions. You want to help your partner grow on their own terms and by their own desires. As they say, real change comes from within. This is sometimes called "the elenchus,” which is a Socratic technique that seeks discovery through collaborative dialogue.
Some questions make red,The problem: Dana is a brilliant engineer but struggles to communicate important research. Problems include dull slides, lack of structure, grammatical errors, and weak body language/tone.
The Solution: By practicing the techniques in Storytelling for Business Success, Dana learns to use vivid slides and body language to engage her audience with a narrative that fits their needs.
This workshop combines effective learning materials and dynamic practice — the participants will use narrative structures and practice delivering a presentation (story for work products/research/or hobby), and receive feedback. The feedback will offer practical steps for additional improvement.
A one-day course or multiple days can be arranged depending on your needs.
We are confident that this program will equip you and your team with the storytelling skills needed to achieve exceptional results. To discuss your specific needs and schedule a free consultation, please contact us at [your contact information].